I am a 25 year old butcheyfemme queer with rubbish on my mind and sparkles everywhere else >
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Today I'll work my last day at the bookshop and I'm so excited about the prospect that I'm already onto my 4th pantyliner. No longer will I have to deal with the wanky customers who cannot navigate their way around the A to Z fiction section and never again will I have to become personal shopper to the assholes who 'can't be bothered' to look around or make a decision on their own. That's right because I know what you should buy your distant cousin for Christmas. Sorry, I totally think you have mistaken me for someone who cares. I don't mind (and actually enjoy)helping the people who know the meaning of the word thank you but sadly at this time of year, so few people have time for manners. Because of course, it's the shop assistant's fault that we don't have that book that was published in the States in 1942 and nor can we get it before Christmas. And no, I cannot order books for you from Amazon, we are two seperate entities. Oh man. You can tell this has been building for a while.
Anyway, I'm very glad to be going as you all know my year and a bit working there has been less than wonderful at the best of times. I look forwrd to working in a non customer focused environment for the firist time in my working career. You'd have thought I'd have figured out that retail was not for people of a nervous disposition before now eh? After the woman in the fake purple snake skin suit and blonde bouffanic hair do complained about my lesbo manner I should have known that I really wasn't cut out for being cheery to twats. It's not like I wont miss anything about the job. I mean I'll miss most of the people I work with and the extended breaks but really, it was time to go a year ago. Not to worry, in 9 hours I can finally close that chapter and look forward to the next one. While the job I'm going to isn't my dream publishing job, I'm hoping that will follow so I can get my gay ass out of this hole. And so I go not hurry my ass to work. Adios! Today's Likes Neighbours, I haven't been this obsessed with a lesbo storyline since bloody Beth Jordache My leaving night out tomorrow My long unflowing locks getting cut tomorrow, halleluya Steps... yes it's true The Incredibles, even if for the tap dancing lamb in the short film and for Holly Hunter's voice... My ultimate new pants... black with fuscia pink skulls... that glow in the dark, life is so all good :-) Today's Dislikes Hollyoaks, there's just no need Postmen who leave parcels on your doorstep, safe Listening to Steps really loud... oh man my neighbours wont think I'm cool anymore, oh bugger it, crank it up, bitch Tiny eyes, where for art thou eyes? Having no lap top and therefore internet access as of tomorrow :-( real tears Britney Wannabe ![]() 12/09/2004 08:13:00 AM
Adventures of Charmin |