I am a 25 year old butcheyfemme queer with rubbish on my mind and sparkles everywhere else >
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I made a dreadful mistake on Saturday night. I went to the Gay bar, sober. Well, sober and hungover and with a monster of a meal in my heavy belly. It was truly more vile than I could ever have imagined. Of course it was my own fault for intaking alohol two days in row when we all know that I can handle my alcohol as well as I imagine I can handle a penis. But had I really thought that 3 (yes that's three, not thirteen)drinks would leave me feeling like a mouldy turd the day after, I may have thought twice about planning Saturday night out also. Friday night equalled three pints after work, home by seven, vomiting by eight, hungover as hell even after an ELEVEN hour sleep. What the buggery bollocks is that all about? I've got problems After Sexy G's birthday meal which I struggled to eat (hard to believe I know) through the hangover, I figured that the effects of champagne, shots and odd tasting wine would hit eventually, hopefully before we reached the Gay Bar. I was sadly wrong. Everything that I knew was wrong with that place was so magnified through my actually open eyes and I wondered how anyone could be enjoying themselves. The DJ (not one of the regulars) played only one tune post 2002 in the duration of our stay (a good 2 and a half hours) and instead, we were forced to listen to crap dance that wasn't good the first time around and all that camp gay shit that really no one should be dancing to anymore. I mean, the YMCA? That's not even funny. Needless to say, Sunday was a write off and my day was puntuated with vomits and the shakes and poor Lil Red was forced to look at what was a very turd-like Fee. It's five days later and I'm still feeling oddly weird. I just shouldn't drink. Ever. So I'll see you on Friday at the Gay Bar then? Anyway, before go I apologise for my total lack of posts in like a month and there is no real reason for this other than my usual lack of internet connection issue. And I'm lazy. And so I go attempt to remove the bags under my eyes from out of my houmous. They do not taste good. Today's Likes Kelly Osborne - One Word Lesbos on Relocation Relocation, aw bless Pay rises, wooooo hoooooo Alex and Marisa getting it on in the OC Today's Dislikes Not enough coverage of Alex and Marisa getting it on in the OC... who's a dirty lesbo? The panny book I'm reading that I must just finish... (Choices by Nancy Toder) Too much chat on the radio, unless it's Edith I just don't want to hear it Constant recharging of my mini i-pod Not enough time on blogs Britney Wannabe ![]() 4/28/2005 12:45:00 PM
Adventures of Charmin |